Almost done!

January 24, 2012, 7:46AM

I've been working on these for the past week when I realized that I haven't update the blog! I almost completely repainted everything!
Well, they are almost done. After applying what I re-learned from my skin-tone study, I'm quite happy with the outcome:
The backgrounds have been better realized, the shirts are better rendered, the keyboard and hands are almost complete and everything just comes together a lot better.  Unfortunately my camera-phone doesn't do them justice, and the angle of the light seems to heighten every shadow, they are coming along quite well! I should have them done in the next day or so.

Back to Painting!


After looking what on the screen and what's on the easel, I can honestly say that the photos look horrible: the subtle colors are gone and the contrast is non-existent. I'll see what I can do for the next update.

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