Brief update

Oct 25, 11:50AM, 2011

LOTS of irons in the fire! And as always, a few disasters along the way. Bad things first: my brother got hit by a truck on his motorcycle while he wasn't wearing a helmet. Him being made out of nails like he is broke his ankle. 

Nothing else.

Kids trip while playing kick-ball break their ankles. My brother needed to get hit by a truck to break his!

Moving on...

New Studio!!!! 
I finally have a new studio! Deposit and rent are deposited, and will move in December 1st!

Yes! Its almost here!! I've been working like a squirrel on espresso making stuff (awesome stuff too!)
I'll be posting those over the next couple days for the pre-MCAD Art Sale.
Final day to buy is Nov 5th!!!! So check back tomorrow for the first of the batch to be completed.
Commission Portraits!
Working on them. Slowly. But working on them. I needed to reference some other examples to remember a few secrets; very worth it. These two are going to be incredible! So they will hopefully be worth the wait.

That's it!
Back to Painting!!


Face Painting

Oct 12, 8:53AM, 2011

Started adding the large blocks of color to the face. These facets of color actually are what lends to caucasian skin tone; look at anyone's face and you will see these small patches of color. These will then have their edges blended together and allowed to dry. The next layer will utilize cool colors, and give the painting a more dimensional feel.

Back to Painting!!


Painting Updates

October 11, 7:24AM, 2011
Got the background under colors finished. Next up is a light glaze to bring out some of the compositional shapes and starting painting the dark darks of the figures.
This is a nearly finished painting for the MCAD Art Sale. I added an indian yellow glaze and some white accents to make it glow. 
Back to Painting!


Website is up!

October 10, 2:26PM, 2011

Got the website back up. 2010 page needs some work (nav buttons don't work :/ ) but I'll tackle that in the next day or so.

Going to post some painting updates. Probably tonight... maybe. Since the entire building my studio is in is winding down, the internet has gone. Using my phone tethered to my computer, which is making things.... "interesting".... anyways....

Back to Painting!!!


Website is down :(

FTP server is acting up. I need to take my whole computer to another location so I can upload the website. Monday morning it should be back.


Scary Busy!

October 8, 1:15AM, 2011

Sorry for the lack of updates. Scary busy with lots and LOTS of irons in the fire!
Here's a mock-up of a side project I'm working with the word smith Will Wright on.
More updates to follow shortly.

Back to Painting!!!


Starting a New Commission!

October 1, 2011, 11:59PM

Started a new commission! Got a little involved in the painting of the under-painting (apologies) I haven't done a portrait in a while, a bit fun!
Next up will be the darkest darks, as soon as the tonal painting dries.

Back to Painting!
